about me.
I'm a web developer with experience managing content and creative projects in a fast-paced and collaborative environment. After a decade working in marketing and content management for professional theater companies, I wanted to expand storytelling to audiences beyond the stage by creating dynamic, interactive experiences on websites that broaden or deepen access to live events.
Last year, when theaters went dark, I got to work—learning the technical skills I craved that would help me fully realize my ideas—and fell in love with coding.
My passions are the same as ever: I love helping to tell a good story, working with teams at the top of their game, being as curious as possible, and bringing a project together with respect for all of the moving parts.
Krista Lane, People Consultant
HTML, CSS, & Javascript
I worked closely with Krista on messaging and moodboards for her consulting business, and hand-coded this version while we work on a final version with CMS integration. You can find code for our test site using Wordpress here.
Github Repo Gallery
This project highlights the culmination of learning the fundamentals of Javascript: with a function that fetches data from Github's API, a search function, and several event listeners and handlers.
Guess The Word Game
This fun Javascript-powered game pulls random words and gives the user 8 chances to guess!
Sticky Note App
React & Javascript
This is a project using React. Create sticky notes with new note button, edit them later, delete with a click, and save to your browser.
Accelerate Wordpress Site
Wordpress, PHP, & SQL
This Wordpress site uses custom PHP, a child theme, and features custom post types, fields, archives, and contact form.
Wordpress & PHP
Adobe Creative Suite
Javascript & React
Git & Github
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